We believe in making things simpler and as straightforward as we possibly can. Our strong belief in our services and results is indicated simply in our short term monthly pay-per-click contracts which make it easier for you to opt in and out at will once expired without putting any overheads or hidden charges into play no matter what.
Our primary focus is getting you the maximum return on your pay-per-click campaign investment. We use every single penny that you spend to get the most efficient results possible. While other companies may target more traffic to your site, we emphasize on getting you more business with the visits that you get.
We don’t play with your money by putting your money into play. Period.
At Printlinkers, when we take a project in hand, we pass it through our team of Google Certified PPC experts for different ideas and suggestions. These ideas are put on a whiteboard, filtered through, and then the best strategies are presented to the client to deliver the best results possible.
Best strategies on a document or in a presentation is useless unless backed up by actions and visual results. That’s why, we believe in providing the reports of our actions and results frequently to our clients, in an easy to understand way, to make it easier for them to monitor the results of their PPC Campaigns.
Even though the Google Search Network is kind of a “one size fit all” strategy that is most commonly used to optimize the ranking of your business with Google Adwords, at Printlinkers, we also tend to use more diverse platforms offered by Google Adwords like using visuals (technically called “Display Advertising”) and more. This often helps to generate more clicks and leads to your Ad, depending on the kind of business that you run and advertise.
Features of Package |
Scheduled Optimizations |
04 |
Dedicated Campaign Consultant |
PPC Campaign Strategies |
Design |
Competitor Research Analysis |
Monthly Performance Reports |
Tracking Tools |
Monthly Status Calls |